Design-Build project for the construction of green infrastructure (GI) facilities as part of DC Water’s Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) to drastically reduce Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) to the Anacostia, Potomac River and Rock Creek.
The project was a part of DC Water’s Long Term Control Plan to enable a significant investment in Green Infrastructure. The plan on the Anacostia River, was to complete construction of the tunnel system and will meet the existing aggressive schedules. For the Potomac River and Rock Creek, DC Water implemented hybrid plan of green and gray infrastructure, where each technology was be applied in areas selected to maximize their effectiveness. For Rock Creek , DC Water constructed GI and targeted sewer separation to manage the volume of runoff produced by 1.2” of rain falling on 365 impervious acres instead of the Rock Creek Tunnel to control the Piney Branch CSO Outfall.
Hayat Brown’s team conducted construction quality assurance and quality control oversight; Low-Impact Development (LID) and storm water management construction and maintenance oversight.